Thursday, June 2, 2011


So I work for The Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholars Program at American University. Through this position I have been able to work on various projects and develop programs for the Scholars. This summer in particular I am working on the 2011-2012 curriculum. In doing that I came across this website that has basically rocked me too my core today. It is titled "Invisible People TV" . I encourage you all to check this site out. It highlights homelessness in the United States. I was struck by the title-- " Invisible People," I think about the times I pass a homeless person on the street, I don't ever look them in the eyes, there are times when I just keep moving hoping I can get passed quick enough so that they don't see me. I know it's wrong on some level and I don't know why I do it-- I get that some people don't have a choice in being homeless, I have worked in homeless shelters. I have worked in soup kitchens, I have written papers on homelessness. I get the cause, but in my life these people are the people I don't associate with. I guess every country in its own way has their "untouchables," and for me and I think US Society our untouchables are homeless people.
But coming across this site I realized my own faults. I see the statistics and I think wow! this is happening in our country, right here in our nation's capital and with the stresses of a horrible recession, an already horrible economy, not to mention health care, a lack of education-- it's only a matter of time until everything bottoms out. But is this really what we've come to? I think about wealth in America and as a society we live well above our means, well above our comfort levels, while other people suffer. I don't think it's another person's responsibility per say to make it easier for the next person, or to pay for the countries issues, but I think we need to be concious of what it is that we are dealing with. I think about the book Invisible Man. I used to understand that book based on race relations, but now I associate it with the title of this website I came across. We have created a society of invisible people and nobody should really live like that. I wouldn't want to be forgotten and there is a reason they ended up in that situation and with the way things are going with our economy and the like, none of us can risk taking these moments to adjust for granted. Our comfort could very easily be taken away from us.
I recognize every day my limits, I know that I can't possibly solve all the worlds problems, but I can definitely start with myself. My goal, is to not turn away when I see a homeless person. Maybe I can move into the area of talking to them and finding out their story. But being homeless is a huge issue, it intersects with many other social justice issues and can often be seen as the result. There is a need to give everyone a chance. At keast in my opinion.
With that again, I ask you all to please , please, please take a look at this website and if you have any other questions be sure to let me kno.


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