Mahatma Ghandhi once said, " Be the change you want to see in the world." This is the motto of my life. If we expect to "solve the world's" problems and really put the world into the path of greatness, we as individuals have to sort of start with ourselves, check ourselves and change ourselves in order to implement change around us.
If you have followed my other blog, you know that I mentioned my love of Politics. I have been told that people could see me running for Office. It has never been my goal to run for a political office, however, I find that if we want to make changes in the world, we have to be active citizens and engage in the process. Which means being as knowledgeable as we can about what is going on around us etc.
I met this gentleman the other day who said he doesn't vote because he's not into politics and it doesn't effect him. HELLO?! It doesn't affect you, politics is personal. Which means that even when you think you aren't apart of it, you really are. Does this gentleman not get taxed everywhere he goes? Does the current economic state not effect him? Does he not know anyone who is fighting in these wars? To say that politics doesn't affect you to me is asinine, I mean of course it affects you, it is all around you.
Needless to say, this is not my life. I am very aware of the way in which the government and politics plays in my life. I am also not one to sit by and let choices be made without me exercising my right to express disdain or dislike, or even agreement with these changes.
More importantly I live my life to serve others who are unable to have access to this process. I think that is where my political engagement lies. The world isn't balance, there are too few people who have a certain amount of power and too many people who don't. Ultimately the future of our world is suffering if we do not create a balanced field. With that I am a human being, and I think before anything else we NEED, no, we MUST take care of those around us. I live fully aware that one day I might need assistance and I want someone to be there to support me.
My life goal is to live that change, to fix problems at the root of the problem and hope that in some small way I am able to change the imbalance. I am extremely passionate about social justice and more specifically about community empowerment. I think that when we look to serve others, we often want to create the solution and move on, we have no real sustainable methods to uplift the community. If we want to empower a community, we have to give them opportunities to learn and grow for themselves, so that when the "help" pulls out they will be able to stand on their own two feet.
I believe that we need to invest in our future, through the legacy that we leave behind. I know that I might not have much, but I have my health, my time and a willingness and passion to serve others. I want to create solutions and not add to the problems.
So with that, welcome to this blog. A place where I might vent about political topics of the day, but also a place where I highlight the solutions to these problems. So follow me as I continue my journey in being the change, I hope that you to can add to my thoughts about the small steps that you are taking to build a sustainable community around the world.
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