Just finished reading Bill Clinton's Giving. Such a good book on the power that we all possess- the ability to give time, energy, money or skills. The one thing that I have always stuck by in my own beliefs is that God has blessed me with an ability to breathe, so I can give my time and energy for others. In Giving Clinton lays out so many opportunities for the average American to give in anyway they can. He talks about how the "biggest" givers have been able provide for opportunities that the average person can get behind, support and build to benefit others. I used to think what I wanted to do with my life, make a difference for others was something that was sort of an anomaly but reading this book and seeing what Clinton has laid forth I have just been so proud to know that I have a vision and that there are others who are in the same position as me. I am 26 years old, with air in my lungs, I might not have a lot of money but I am so thankful and blessed to have this opportunity to give. It excites me, makes me happy, it fulfills me.
I recommend reading Giving if you haven't read it yet, it gives you a wealth of information about the amazing network that Bill Clinton is a part of. It truly is about who you know, what you are able to give to others. Clinton was able to pull the right people together to change the world. Bill Clinton might have money, but he is great at connecting people and creating this global network of change. There are parts about Clinton that I do not agree with, but then there are parts of Clinton that I love to see and am reminded about what a great leader he is.
Ghandi once said "Be the change you wish to see in the world." There are many people who say that this quote inspires them, or that this quote is their motto for life. For me I think in order for change you also have to see the change within yourself. This blog is fluid and is inspired out of the shortcomings seen throughout this world we live.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
This thing called Justice
Hi all: so as you know the purpose of this blog stemmed from the need for me to sort of separate the different facets of my life and emphasize the different parts of my identity. I have my one blog that sort of shows what got me to this point in my life, what has been the biggest marks of my life and how I have used these moments to shape the woman I have become. This particular section of my blog "Be the Change" focuses on my activism. The woman I am today is because of the many different topics I am passionate about. They are anything from politics, to social justice issues to many other areas that impact a person's growth or topics that I can use to stimulate discussion.
Well I recognize that I do not post as frequently as I should from this blog primarily because my life is activism- in some way shape of form. I am doing it everyday and tend to forget to utilize the outlets I have.
This week marked a new leap in the U.S Justice System and sort of solidified one, in my opinion, faults of this country in justice-- the death penalty. Whether you believe in the use of the death penalty or not as a form of justice the point is the U.S was thrust into this terrible position as technology began to catch up with the past.
Over the last decade or more we have begun to see a trend in reversals of prison sentences as people who were thought to be guilty were found to be innocent. We have begun to see some of these positions reversed particularly in the area of life in prison. Amongst prisoners on death row, this has sparked a new trend in the increase of appeals as well.
While I understand the many reasons why the Justice System works, I find it personally difficult to grapple with this idea that any error in the system is almost ignored and the same old policies are continued. This last week one case put this flaw under a magnifying glass.
His name was Troy Anthony Davis, in 1989 he was accused of murdering an off duty cop named Mark McPhail. This is not at all to take away from Mr. McPhail or his family as no one's life should be taken away. However, Troy Anthony Davis maintained his innocence through the trial and after he was sentenced to death. For the last 20 years Troy Anthony Davis has spent time on death row. His name picking up speed as he began to appeal this sentence, raising doubt in the fairness of his trial. His story like some others, was left to inadequate lawyers who were unable to properly defend him in such a high profile case.
What was unfortunate is that over the last few years witnesses, former Presidents, former FBI Chiefs and even the Pope among countless others have stepped in to ask the Georgia Courts and eventually the Supreme Court of the United States to rethink Mr. Davis' sentencing and to commute his sentencing to Life in Prison so that a new trial and case could be presented. The Troy Anthony Davis case raised a lot of doubt to his guilt and to ultimately the sanctity of the Justice System itself. Despite the intervention and protests and a few hours of delay Troy Anthony Davis was put to death on Wednesday night.
I do not know if Troy Anthony Davis murdered Mr. Mark McPhail. What I know is that one person was murdered, and that we killed another many who may or may not have been innocent. I think it's heartbreaking and tragic. I think that when this level of scrutiny is being raised we need to pause and reexamine our policies. I think we need to provide a pathway that grants criminals innocent and guilty the best lawyers to adequately defend them. Everyone based on our Constitution deserve the right to a fair trial, and currently that is not something that is being done.
I hope that this country and the activists and protesters that petitioned the Supreme Court to listen to the Troy Anthony Davis appeal continue to fight for the cause. I hope that some day we can correct this system and make it truly work in the way it should.
I think that our Justice System has done it's job most of the time, but there is now an opportunity to correct it, strengthen it and make it better.
R.I.P to Troy Anthony Davis and Mark McPhail may Justice be reached in both of your names.
Well I recognize that I do not post as frequently as I should from this blog primarily because my life is activism- in some way shape of form. I am doing it everyday and tend to forget to utilize the outlets I have.
This week marked a new leap in the U.S Justice System and sort of solidified one, in my opinion, faults of this country in justice-- the death penalty. Whether you believe in the use of the death penalty or not as a form of justice the point is the U.S was thrust into this terrible position as technology began to catch up with the past.
Over the last decade or more we have begun to see a trend in reversals of prison sentences as people who were thought to be guilty were found to be innocent. We have begun to see some of these positions reversed particularly in the area of life in prison. Amongst prisoners on death row, this has sparked a new trend in the increase of appeals as well.
While I understand the many reasons why the Justice System works, I find it personally difficult to grapple with this idea that any error in the system is almost ignored and the same old policies are continued. This last week one case put this flaw under a magnifying glass.
His name was Troy Anthony Davis, in 1989 he was accused of murdering an off duty cop named Mark McPhail. This is not at all to take away from Mr. McPhail or his family as no one's life should be taken away. However, Troy Anthony Davis maintained his innocence through the trial and after he was sentenced to death. For the last 20 years Troy Anthony Davis has spent time on death row. His name picking up speed as he began to appeal this sentence, raising doubt in the fairness of his trial. His story like some others, was left to inadequate lawyers who were unable to properly defend him in such a high profile case.
What was unfortunate is that over the last few years witnesses, former Presidents, former FBI Chiefs and even the Pope among countless others have stepped in to ask the Georgia Courts and eventually the Supreme Court of the United States to rethink Mr. Davis' sentencing and to commute his sentencing to Life in Prison so that a new trial and case could be presented. The Troy Anthony Davis case raised a lot of doubt to his guilt and to ultimately the sanctity of the Justice System itself. Despite the intervention and protests and a few hours of delay Troy Anthony Davis was put to death on Wednesday night.
I do not know if Troy Anthony Davis murdered Mr. Mark McPhail. What I know is that one person was murdered, and that we killed another many who may or may not have been innocent. I think it's heartbreaking and tragic. I think that when this level of scrutiny is being raised we need to pause and reexamine our policies. I think we need to provide a pathway that grants criminals innocent and guilty the best lawyers to adequately defend them. Everyone based on our Constitution deserve the right to a fair trial, and currently that is not something that is being done.
I hope that this country and the activists and protesters that petitioned the Supreme Court to listen to the Troy Anthony Davis appeal continue to fight for the cause. I hope that some day we can correct this system and make it truly work in the way it should.
I think that our Justice System has done it's job most of the time, but there is now an opportunity to correct it, strengthen it and make it better.
R.I.P to Troy Anthony Davis and Mark McPhail may Justice be reached in both of your names.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Frustrated with the same things and NO change...
Hey all:
This is not going to be my usual all inspiring post. I am extremely disappointed, possbily because of a night of heated discussions with friends of mine, while on vacation. Topics that ranged from a young man being arrested for an incident that started with him wearing sagging pants, to the recent Terrell Pryor mayhem, to gentricfication, education etc. It was interesting because normally our conversations are never up on this level, we spend more time catching up than debating anything. But it put me in a mood. Here we are ranging from our early to late 20s about to embark on huge changes in each of our lives and we're having debates that have perplexed many for years.
One of the conversations that came up was the recent release of Johannes Mehserle- the former BART Officer who shot and killed an unarmed Oscar Grant on NYE 2009 in Oakland California. Johannes Mehserle was covicted of involuntary manslaughter a charge that would give him 2 years in prison, and eventually a coviction that he ultimately served less than a year for. It's disappointing because there are countless shootings that happen by the people that are supposed to make sure the rest of us are safe and whether or not he intended to kill Oscar Grant, Mehserle DID kill him. Here we are "making an example" out of Michael Vick (who killed dogs, not people), Plaxico Burress (who shot himself), but a man who killed an unarmed person, by a gun shot to the back is able to not only walk with a slap on the wrist, but also not serve his full sentence.
I know stories like this put the activist in me on a tight line that I have to be careful of what I say and how I say it as I do not want to discredit my beliefs in the past or in the future, but it is during times like this that you do have to take a look at what you think and sort of evolve in thought. I am well aware that there is a system in place that favors people of a certain race, or financial background. It is frustrating to me that Another young Black man is dead at the hands of "justice" and yet it seems to me that justice was not at all served. But if the roles had been reversed if Oscar Grant was Mehserle the book would have been thrown at him.
And now there is another complex layer being added to this story. Which I still think only continues to highlight the disparities amongst the way we treat our convicted felons etc. I read an article this morning in the online source "Color Lines" the article titled " Former Transit Cop Johannes Mehserle has retail dreams" . Any article with his name in it automatically peaks my interest- especially given that I made my return to the Bay the very day he was released from jail. Anyways, the article does comment on the short sentence and the crime for which he was charged, but what was really interesting was that the article highlights an issue that I think is very telling of our society. It takes on the perspective of "Re-entry" in terms of prisoners into society. The purpose of jail as I had grown up understanding is that it is a place for rehabilitation- there is a reason why these men and women are being locked up and kept away, and being in jail or prison is a way to correct that reason. To be able to rehabilitate these people into the society that they left. That by the time the are released it should be as if they had never left. What the world is starting to see and what I have been reading however is the concrete jungle is a lucrative business, it costs much more to keep a person in jail than to educate them, but the money that is made through the prison system is like no other business venture here in the US. The system is set up to essentially return these criminals back into the jails and priosns they left. Having a felony on your record doesn't make it easier for you to find a job- even though you aren't supposed to be discriminated against because of it. Which is what this article focuses on. Having a criminal record is a stigma , a blemish and something that takes years to get away from. It is something that prevents a lot of released convicts from being able to remove the stain of their crime from themseleves. It prevents them from being able to earn a job, it prevents them from having some of the luxaries that those of us "non-criminals" get to enjoy everyday. I'm not saying that this is something that needs to be changed, because at the end of the day you are a criminal. But when we talk about "rehabilitation" what are we talking about? Because while the criminals are learning how to become re-acclimated to their previous lifestyle, we are constantly pushing out ways to "send them back." Johannes Mehserle has dreams of going into sales- retail, and he should the likelihood of him getting this job and "moving on" with his life is prtty high. And he should be able to- he was sentenced of a crime, and did his time (unfortunately not the full length of his time, but he did it), so rehabilitation if established correctly would mean that Mehserle will be able to move forward and "re-enter" society as if he never left. The truth is he'll have an easier time to do that than others.. But don't take my word for it.. read the article and tell me what you think...http://colorlines.com/archives/2011/06/johannes_mehserle_released_from_jail_wants_to_find_a_job_in_retail.html
This is not going to be my usual all inspiring post. I am extremely disappointed, possbily because of a night of heated discussions with friends of mine, while on vacation. Topics that ranged from a young man being arrested for an incident that started with him wearing sagging pants, to the recent Terrell Pryor mayhem, to gentricfication, education etc. It was interesting because normally our conversations are never up on this level, we spend more time catching up than debating anything. But it put me in a mood. Here we are ranging from our early to late 20s about to embark on huge changes in each of our lives and we're having debates that have perplexed many for years.
One of the conversations that came up was the recent release of Johannes Mehserle- the former BART Officer who shot and killed an unarmed Oscar Grant on NYE 2009 in Oakland California. Johannes Mehserle was covicted of involuntary manslaughter a charge that would give him 2 years in prison, and eventually a coviction that he ultimately served less than a year for. It's disappointing because there are countless shootings that happen by the people that are supposed to make sure the rest of us are safe and whether or not he intended to kill Oscar Grant, Mehserle DID kill him. Here we are "making an example" out of Michael Vick (who killed dogs, not people), Plaxico Burress (who shot himself), but a man who killed an unarmed person, by a gun shot to the back is able to not only walk with a slap on the wrist, but also not serve his full sentence.
I know stories like this put the activist in me on a tight line that I have to be careful of what I say and how I say it as I do not want to discredit my beliefs in the past or in the future, but it is during times like this that you do have to take a look at what you think and sort of evolve in thought. I am well aware that there is a system in place that favors people of a certain race, or financial background. It is frustrating to me that Another young Black man is dead at the hands of "justice" and yet it seems to me that justice was not at all served. But if the roles had been reversed if Oscar Grant was Mehserle the book would have been thrown at him.
And now there is another complex layer being added to this story. Which I still think only continues to highlight the disparities amongst the way we treat our convicted felons etc. I read an article this morning in the online source "Color Lines" the article titled " Former Transit Cop Johannes Mehserle has retail dreams" . Any article with his name in it automatically peaks my interest- especially given that I made my return to the Bay the very day he was released from jail. Anyways, the article does comment on the short sentence and the crime for which he was charged, but what was really interesting was that the article highlights an issue that I think is very telling of our society. It takes on the perspective of "Re-entry" in terms of prisoners into society. The purpose of jail as I had grown up understanding is that it is a place for rehabilitation- there is a reason why these men and women are being locked up and kept away, and being in jail or prison is a way to correct that reason. To be able to rehabilitate these people into the society that they left. That by the time the are released it should be as if they had never left. What the world is starting to see and what I have been reading however is the concrete jungle is a lucrative business, it costs much more to keep a person in jail than to educate them, but the money that is made through the prison system is like no other business venture here in the US. The system is set up to essentially return these criminals back into the jails and priosns they left. Having a felony on your record doesn't make it easier for you to find a job- even though you aren't supposed to be discriminated against because of it. Which is what this article focuses on. Having a criminal record is a stigma , a blemish and something that takes years to get away from. It is something that prevents a lot of released convicts from being able to remove the stain of their crime from themseleves. It prevents them from being able to earn a job, it prevents them from having some of the luxaries that those of us "non-criminals" get to enjoy everyday. I'm not saying that this is something that needs to be changed, because at the end of the day you are a criminal. But when we talk about "rehabilitation" what are we talking about? Because while the criminals are learning how to become re-acclimated to their previous lifestyle, we are constantly pushing out ways to "send them back." Johannes Mehserle has dreams of going into sales- retail, and he should the likelihood of him getting this job and "moving on" with his life is prtty high. And he should be able to- he was sentenced of a crime, and did his time (unfortunately not the full length of his time, but he did it), so rehabilitation if established correctly would mean that Mehserle will be able to move forward and "re-enter" society as if he never left. The truth is he'll have an easier time to do that than others.. But don't take my word for it.. read the article and tell me what you think...http://colorlines.com/archives/2011/06/johannes_mehserle_released_from_jail_wants_to_find_a_job_in_retail.html
In my lifetime...
Hey y’all.. I have been blessed with many opportunities to be able to talk about things that I am so super passionate about. My goals that I have for my life and goals that I have for the future of this world and the community I live in.
I have been toiling with this thought. In our grandparent’s generation there was a common phrase “not in my lifetime,” as in there were social changes that they couldn’t imagine happening in their lifetime. I think that as a society we have adopted this phrase as some sort of way of life and the end all of our experiences. I was talking to a friend, Tania. She and I were talking about the state of the community, in particular the Black community. We see that the Civil Rights movement was our big power play. But since then, we have been somewhat complacent and dependent on that history that we don’t see the power that we possess BECAUSE of that history. What do I mean, we hold on to the Civil Rights movement as a badge of honor- and rightfully so, but I think as a community, I think we also hold onto that as our only example of the greatness we can become, instead of using that history to push forward other movements. We use phrases like “ I don’t think I’ll see a Black President in my lifetime.” “Racism will not end in my lifetime etc.” But, can’t we be proud of what we HAVE seen in our lifetime. I am about to be 26 years old. I have seen the release of Nelson Mandela from a prison in South Africa, I have seen a President apologize for the past transgressions of the United States to African Americans and other people that have been oppressed in this country. I have lived through one of the most tragic experiences that the world has faced, one that completely shaped the way I think about what we need to do as a country and a world. I have been blessed enough, to be blessed by Bishop Desmond Tutu. I have been blessed enough to meet many of the movers and shakers of the Civil Rights movement- to thank them for the choices they made, and for the conclusion that they came to that SOMETHINGS CAN HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIME! I have lived through Women taking over in political positions, I have lived through the United States electing the first person of color as President, I have also lived through a real contender for President that was female.
There are so many things that we can be proud of, some many things that we can all be excited to have been able to see in our lifetime, things that would ultimately, in my opinion give us the hope that there are many things that we can do. But I feel that as a community we are so jaded, we are so wrapped up in the constant tragedy of our story, that we can’t look past the muck to see that we have so much beauty and power to give to each other, to ourselves and to the world.
I beg of my generation to not make statements like “not in my lifetime.” But to use statements instead-- “in my lifetime.” As in these are things we can accomplish in my lifetime. We are a strong people, there are so many of us who are making moves in the world to make it a better place. While we do not have an organized movement as I would like. We do have so much to give the world and we need to hold on to that faith that we can do something great.
So I guess I would like to start with me.. .what things would I like to see in my lifetime.. I expect that before I die young Black males are no longer an endangered species in the United States, I expect that we will have elected a Female President, a Latino President, more openly gay politicians. I expect that we cut poverty significantly down. I expect that we end world hunger, I expect that we have for the first time an open discussion on race, on the effect of colonialism throughout the world and have a better conversation on how we can bridge the gaps. I expect that the Black community look inside themselves to make changes around them and not wait for the “one” leader to rise up again. I expect that we all use the greatness that is inside of us and make differences in the world around us, even if they are small..
I expect that we don’t give up, that we fight for a better tomorrow because it’s not only about how we live today, but what we leave behind. I want my niece, my nephews, my goddaughter to know that the world is truly at their fingertips, they are not too big or too small to take responsibility for what we do as a human race and that they have the power to change it… IN MY LIFETIME!!
That's all she wrote..
I have been toiling with this thought. In our grandparent’s generation there was a common phrase “not in my lifetime,” as in there were social changes that they couldn’t imagine happening in their lifetime. I think that as a society we have adopted this phrase as some sort of way of life and the end all of our experiences. I was talking to a friend, Tania. She and I were talking about the state of the community, in particular the Black community. We see that the Civil Rights movement was our big power play. But since then, we have been somewhat complacent and dependent on that history that we don’t see the power that we possess BECAUSE of that history. What do I mean, we hold on to the Civil Rights movement as a badge of honor- and rightfully so, but I think as a community, I think we also hold onto that as our only example of the greatness we can become, instead of using that history to push forward other movements. We use phrases like “ I don’t think I’ll see a Black President in my lifetime.” “Racism will not end in my lifetime etc.” But, can’t we be proud of what we HAVE seen in our lifetime. I am about to be 26 years old. I have seen the release of Nelson Mandela from a prison in South Africa, I have seen a President apologize for the past transgressions of the United States to African Americans and other people that have been oppressed in this country. I have lived through one of the most tragic experiences that the world has faced, one that completely shaped the way I think about what we need to do as a country and a world. I have been blessed enough, to be blessed by Bishop Desmond Tutu. I have been blessed enough to meet many of the movers and shakers of the Civil Rights movement- to thank them for the choices they made, and for the conclusion that they came to that SOMETHINGS CAN HAPPEN IN OUR LIFETIME! I have lived through Women taking over in political positions, I have lived through the United States electing the first person of color as President, I have also lived through a real contender for President that was female.
There are so many things that we can be proud of, some many things that we can all be excited to have been able to see in our lifetime, things that would ultimately, in my opinion give us the hope that there are many things that we can do. But I feel that as a community we are so jaded, we are so wrapped up in the constant tragedy of our story, that we can’t look past the muck to see that we have so much beauty and power to give to each other, to ourselves and to the world.
I beg of my generation to not make statements like “not in my lifetime.” But to use statements instead-- “in my lifetime.” As in these are things we can accomplish in my lifetime. We are a strong people, there are so many of us who are making moves in the world to make it a better place. While we do not have an organized movement as I would like. We do have so much to give the world and we need to hold on to that faith that we can do something great.
So I guess I would like to start with me.. .what things would I like to see in my lifetime.. I expect that before I die young Black males are no longer an endangered species in the United States, I expect that we will have elected a Female President, a Latino President, more openly gay politicians. I expect that we cut poverty significantly down. I expect that we end world hunger, I expect that we have for the first time an open discussion on race, on the effect of colonialism throughout the world and have a better conversation on how we can bridge the gaps. I expect that the Black community look inside themselves to make changes around them and not wait for the “one” leader to rise up again. I expect that we all use the greatness that is inside of us and make differences in the world around us, even if they are small..
I expect that we don’t give up, that we fight for a better tomorrow because it’s not only about how we live today, but what we leave behind. I want my niece, my nephews, my goddaughter to know that the world is truly at their fingertips, they are not too big or too small to take responsibility for what we do as a human race and that they have the power to change it… IN MY LIFETIME!!
That's all she wrote..
Friday, June 10, 2011
Yesterday another ruthless shooting left one 16 year old girl dead and 4 others wounded. But not only that it has left a community devastated and a country in fear of "the next one."
Her name was Tysha Jones, she was 16 years old and like the other 100s of people at Brighton Beach yesterday, she was just enjoying a fund day in the sun with friends. I don't know Tysha, but I am getting sick and tired of seeing so many people gunned down too early, and not only that I am tired of seeing so many of our youth getting gunned down. When will this stop? What was the gain in killing an innocent girl? What was the purpose in shooting 4 other people?
This all in the wake of the impending release of Johannes Mehserle, the BART Police Officer convicted of shooting and killing Oscar Grant in 2009. I am anoyed with the slow pace that our government is taking with stricter hand gun policies. I am angered with the rate at which young black men are either being killed or imprisoned. I am angered with the deaths of young people like Tysha Jones and the countless others.
Today, Twitter blew up with @UncleRUSH (Russell Simmons) asking his followers to tweet the names of victims who have lost their lives to gun violence, with the hash tag #Stoptheviolence. I will be happy for a day when we don't have to have hashtags like this anymore. If it could fit in 140 characters this would be my tweet:- Victim: Our inalienable rights to, LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of Happiness When: Every time someone dies from a gunshot #Stoptheviolence
--That's all she wrote
Her name was Tysha Jones, she was 16 years old and like the other 100s of people at Brighton Beach yesterday, she was just enjoying a fund day in the sun with friends. I don't know Tysha, but I am getting sick and tired of seeing so many people gunned down too early, and not only that I am tired of seeing so many of our youth getting gunned down. When will this stop? What was the gain in killing an innocent girl? What was the purpose in shooting 4 other people?
This all in the wake of the impending release of Johannes Mehserle, the BART Police Officer convicted of shooting and killing Oscar Grant in 2009. I am anoyed with the slow pace that our government is taking with stricter hand gun policies. I am angered with the rate at which young black men are either being killed or imprisoned. I am angered with the deaths of young people like Tysha Jones and the countless others.
Today, Twitter blew up with @UncleRUSH (Russell Simmons) asking his followers to tweet the names of victims who have lost their lives to gun violence, with the hash tag #Stoptheviolence. I will be happy for a day when we don't have to have hashtags like this anymore. If it could fit in 140 characters this would be my tweet:- Victim: Our inalienable rights to, LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of Happiness When: Every time someone dies from a gunshot #Stoptheviolence
--That's all she wrote
Friday, June 3, 2011
Music Review with a message- Man Down Rihanna
Hey all:
let me preface this by saying I am the biggest HIP HOP, RAP, GANGSTER RAP fan in the world! It's probably really ironic considering that I am also a major advocate for many different causes, and I have a strong sense of empowering women, well because I am a woman! But I can get down with some hip hop, I take it for its vulgarity, its roughness, its rawness. I see it for its faults as well, mysogony etc. I recognize that while I love it, it can get better be, better and do better. With that, there are few songs/videos that shake me, because in this industry I am expecting my comfort to be pushed, I'm expecting to be rocked. But lately I have been moved in an almost distasteful way by music videos by the female artists. The first was "Ride" by Ciara- I learned to come to grips with it, because instead of being a girl shaking her booty on Jay-z's music video, Ciara took control of her own and let it all out.
The one that is causing this blog to spark from my fingers as I type across the pad of my computer, is Rihanna's "Man Down" video. It has been the topic of much main stream media. I hadn't heard the song, because lately I haven't really cared for Rihanna. But I wanted to know what the buzz was all about, the video premired and Twitter blew up. So I watched the video (click the link above to view it). When I first watched it, I was rubbed the wrong way. Rihanna guns down a guy in the beginning of the video and you don't really get why she did it. But then piecing the video together you realize she was raped by this same guy and that was her revenge. Well, upon first watching the video I was annoyed. I thought the message was too close to waht happened to her when she and then boyfriend, Chris Brown got into an altercation that left her beaten. I was worried that by creating a video like this, she would never really be able to "live that down." Not that I know if I want her to be able to live it down, but she probably wants some sense of normalcy and I wasn't sure if creating that video would get her that normalcy. I don't know it just stirred up some really conflicting messages.
But the other day Rihanna spoke out on 106 and Park saying that the point of the video was to "empower young girls" and that "Rape is something that is still taboo in this country and around the world," and that she " is the voice for her fans, for young girls, for women who had to deal with this for years." When she said that I got it, it made sense.
I had to watch the video again, now taking into account Rihanna's message. She isn't afraid to push the envelope and to make a message about something that we really shouldn't be afraid to talk about. The song when you listen closely, is about a young girl who is faced with this incredible burden, she kills the man who raped her and is crying to her mother about the regret she has for doing it. I think after watching it again, the video was brilliantly directed. The message is clear, I would have liked a PSA of some sort at the end. or maybe even a statistic, but I think it basically got the message across. We all get pushed to a limit where we will do something that we might regret. I think Rihanna leaves it up to us to determine the weight of this video. Which I think is challenging. A young girl murdered someone... that had raped her. But I think with the girl crying to her mother, the point is more to speak out. To own your hurt, your pain and let someone else take the burden for you and as Rihanna says- feel empowered.
I am pleased with Rihanna creating this song and putting herself in a video like this because she does create the dialogue that needs to happen surrounding this issue. If anything, she allowed the rest of the world to take part in something that many have to deal with alone.
But don't take my word for it. See for yourself and join in the conversation.
let me preface this by saying I am the biggest HIP HOP, RAP, GANGSTER RAP fan in the world! It's probably really ironic considering that I am also a major advocate for many different causes, and I have a strong sense of empowering women, well because I am a woman! But I can get down with some hip hop, I take it for its vulgarity, its roughness, its rawness. I see it for its faults as well, mysogony etc. I recognize that while I love it, it can get better be, better and do better. With that, there are few songs/videos that shake me, because in this industry I am expecting my comfort to be pushed, I'm expecting to be rocked. But lately I have been moved in an almost distasteful way by music videos by the female artists. The first was "Ride" by Ciara- I learned to come to grips with it, because instead of being a girl shaking her booty on Jay-z's music video, Ciara took control of her own and let it all out.
The one that is causing this blog to spark from my fingers as I type across the pad of my computer, is Rihanna's "Man Down" video. It has been the topic of much main stream media. I hadn't heard the song, because lately I haven't really cared for Rihanna. But I wanted to know what the buzz was all about, the video premired and Twitter blew up. So I watched the video (click the link above to view it). When I first watched it, I was rubbed the wrong way. Rihanna guns down a guy in the beginning of the video and you don't really get why she did it. But then piecing the video together you realize she was raped by this same guy and that was her revenge. Well, upon first watching the video I was annoyed. I thought the message was too close to waht happened to her when she and then boyfriend, Chris Brown got into an altercation that left her beaten. I was worried that by creating a video like this, she would never really be able to "live that down." Not that I know if I want her to be able to live it down, but she probably wants some sense of normalcy and I wasn't sure if creating that video would get her that normalcy. I don't know it just stirred up some really conflicting messages.
But the other day Rihanna spoke out on 106 and Park saying that the point of the video was to "empower young girls" and that "Rape is something that is still taboo in this country and around the world," and that she " is the voice for her fans, for young girls, for women who had to deal with this for years." When she said that I got it, it made sense.
I had to watch the video again, now taking into account Rihanna's message. She isn't afraid to push the envelope and to make a message about something that we really shouldn't be afraid to talk about. The song when you listen closely, is about a young girl who is faced with this incredible burden, she kills the man who raped her and is crying to her mother about the regret she has for doing it. I think after watching it again, the video was brilliantly directed. The message is clear, I would have liked a PSA of some sort at the end. or maybe even a statistic, but I think it basically got the message across. We all get pushed to a limit where we will do something that we might regret. I think Rihanna leaves it up to us to determine the weight of this video. Which I think is challenging. A young girl murdered someone... that had raped her. But I think with the girl crying to her mother, the point is more to speak out. To own your hurt, your pain and let someone else take the burden for you and as Rihanna says- feel empowered.
I am pleased with Rihanna creating this song and putting herself in a video like this because she does create the dialogue that needs to happen surrounding this issue. If anything, she allowed the rest of the world to take part in something that many have to deal with alone.
But don't take my word for it. See for yourself and join in the conversation.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
So I work for The Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholars Program at American University. Through this position I have been able to work on various projects and develop programs for the Scholars. This summer in particular I am working on the 2011-2012 curriculum. In doing that I came across this website that has basically rocked me too my core today. It is titled "Invisible People TV" . I encourage you all to check this site out. It highlights homelessness in the United States. I was struck by the title-- " Invisible People," I think about the times I pass a homeless person on the street, I don't ever look them in the eyes, there are times when I just keep moving hoping I can get passed quick enough so that they don't see me. I know it's wrong on some level and I don't know why I do it-- I get that some people don't have a choice in being homeless, I have worked in homeless shelters. I have worked in soup kitchens, I have written papers on homelessness. I get the cause, but in my life these people are the people I don't associate with. I guess every country in its own way has their "untouchables," and for me and I think US Society our untouchables are homeless people.
But coming across this site I realized my own faults. I see the statistics and I think wow! this is happening in our country, right here in our nation's capital and with the stresses of a horrible recession, an already horrible economy, not to mention health care, a lack of education-- it's only a matter of time until everything bottoms out. But is this really what we've come to? I think about wealth in America and as a society we live well above our means, well above our comfort levels, while other people suffer. I don't think it's another person's responsibility per say to make it easier for the next person, or to pay for the countries issues, but I think we need to be concious of what it is that we are dealing with. I think about the book Invisible Man. I used to understand that book based on race relations, but now I associate it with the title of this website I came across. We have created a society of invisible people and nobody should really live like that. I wouldn't want to be forgotten and there is a reason they ended up in that situation and with the way things are going with our economy and the like, none of us can risk taking these moments to adjust for granted. Our comfort could very easily be taken away from us.
I recognize every day my limits, I know that I can't possibly solve all the worlds problems, but I can definitely start with myself. My goal, is to not turn away when I see a homeless person. Maybe I can move into the area of talking to them and finding out their story. But being homeless is a huge issue, it intersects with many other social justice issues and can often be seen as the result. There is a need to give everyone a chance. At keast in my opinion.
With that again, I ask you all to please , please, please take a look at this website and if you have any other questions be sure to let me kno.
But coming across this site I realized my own faults. I see the statistics and I think wow! this is happening in our country, right here in our nation's capital and with the stresses of a horrible recession, an already horrible economy, not to mention health care, a lack of education-- it's only a matter of time until everything bottoms out. But is this really what we've come to? I think about wealth in America and as a society we live well above our means, well above our comfort levels, while other people suffer. I don't think it's another person's responsibility per say to make it easier for the next person, or to pay for the countries issues, but I think we need to be concious of what it is that we are dealing with. I think about the book Invisible Man. I used to understand that book based on race relations, but now I associate it with the title of this website I came across. We have created a society of invisible people and nobody should really live like that. I wouldn't want to be forgotten and there is a reason they ended up in that situation and with the way things are going with our economy and the like, none of us can risk taking these moments to adjust for granted. Our comfort could very easily be taken away from us.
I recognize every day my limits, I know that I can't possibly solve all the worlds problems, but I can definitely start with myself. My goal, is to not turn away when I see a homeless person. Maybe I can move into the area of talking to them and finding out their story. But being homeless is a huge issue, it intersects with many other social justice issues and can often be seen as the result. There is a need to give everyone a chance. At keast in my opinion.
With that again, I ask you all to please , please, please take a look at this website and if you have any other questions be sure to let me kno.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tragic story, but what's the reality?
The Bryan Stow story is tragic, but are we right to continue to make this tragedy about the fact that this Young father of 2 was beaten because of the jersey he wore?
Bryan Stow was beaten almost near death by two unknown suspects, Opening Day of the L.A. Dodgers game against the San Francisco Giants. If you are an avid fan of the sport or are up on sports rivalries, this is one for the ages. Well, sort of. The battles between North and South California sports teams is something of interests primarily because of the way in which these teams were founded, from swaps by owners etc.
No one believes that anybody going to enjoy America's greatest pastime should ever not be able to walk out on their own. I would like to think that no one would expect this to happen on any day that they are excited to be enjoying something fun. And particularly for this fan Bryan Stow visiting his World Championship Team on their first game of the season against the Dodgers, this was not what he expected either. But I wonder if we are right in our assessment that this senseless act was simply because Stow happened to be in a Giants jersey.
People attack other people for reasons other than just the clothing they are wearing. I recognize that this might be the easiest of assumptions, primarily because 7 weeks after the attack there hadn't still been a mainstream lead (i.e. arrest) in the case. We don't know why the attackers did what they did and if it was in fact because he was in a Giants jersey then I will let this argument go, but I am fearful, that we will continue to pit this attack on the fact that Stow was a Giants fan, when maybe it wasn't just about that. I urge the media to take the language that yes, this was a tragic event, no person should go to an event fearing for their life, and that maybe this was one isolated incident specific to the team Stow associated with, but I think it paints an ugly picture of Dodgers fans and makes people think that because of this one act, that all fans are like this.
I don't know just my thoughts.
Bryan Stow was beaten almost near death by two unknown suspects, Opening Day of the L.A. Dodgers game against the San Francisco Giants. If you are an avid fan of the sport or are up on sports rivalries, this is one for the ages. Well, sort of. The battles between North and South California sports teams is something of interests primarily because of the way in which these teams were founded, from swaps by owners etc.
No one believes that anybody going to enjoy America's greatest pastime should ever not be able to walk out on their own. I would like to think that no one would expect this to happen on any day that they are excited to be enjoying something fun. And particularly for this fan Bryan Stow visiting his World Championship Team on their first game of the season against the Dodgers, this was not what he expected either. But I wonder if we are right in our assessment that this senseless act was simply because Stow happened to be in a Giants jersey.
People attack other people for reasons other than just the clothing they are wearing. I recognize that this might be the easiest of assumptions, primarily because 7 weeks after the attack there hadn't still been a mainstream lead (i.e. arrest) in the case. We don't know why the attackers did what they did and if it was in fact because he was in a Giants jersey then I will let this argument go, but I am fearful, that we will continue to pit this attack on the fact that Stow was a Giants fan, when maybe it wasn't just about that. I urge the media to take the language that yes, this was a tragic event, no person should go to an event fearing for their life, and that maybe this was one isolated incident specific to the team Stow associated with, but I think it paints an ugly picture of Dodgers fans and makes people think that because of this one act, that all fans are like this.
I don't know just my thoughts.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
13 Ways of Looking at a Black Man

Hey all:
So my last blog was about the recent word vomit that was Bernard Hopkins against Donovan McNabb and how he was raised. I spoke about the ills of the Black community. One minute we are supportive of the steps one of us takes, but then the next we are spitting hate and calling the upbringing of someone else as a reason to claim them as less authentic to the race. The sad thing is many of us strive for the betterment of the community and we see the rise of the McNabbs or the Hills (Grant Hill) or the Cory Bookers of the world as the place that our community can go. Not in an attempt to be "white" but to be better for ourselves. I am tired of seeing our young Black men being locked up, I am tired of seeing our young Black women continuously being left alone to raise their children, I am tired of having to walk around and second guess whether or not I deserve to be where I am, not for fear of what the "others" will say, but what the Black community will say of my success. There used to be a time when we celebrated the success of "one of our own" and now it seems that we are the first one to stab the knife deep into the back of the "brother or sister" who made it.
I just finished reading Henry Louis Gates " 13 Ways of Looking at a Black Man." This book is a collection of interviews and anecdotes and stories about Black Men:
1. James Baldwin
2. Albert Murray
3. Bill T. Jones
4. Colin Powell
5. Louis Farrakhan
6. Harry Belafonte
7. Anatole Broyard
Gates also talks about how the OJ Simpson trial shaped a new race dynamic in this country. When reading these stories, all I can think about is the pride I feel for the different layers of our community. It also shows the complexity of our identity and the struggle we ALL go through. Anatole Broyard, was probably the most complex of the stories. He passed for most if not all of his life, not really able to embrace his Blackness, or in my opinion truly be comfortable in his own skin. I think for a long time we were taught that Black wasn't beautiful, that we weren't worthy of just being happy with who we are-- some how we have to stop the cycle of self-hatred.
If anything that I take away from this book, is that our Blackness comes in many flavors, in many forms. Each one another brilliant piece to who we are. Yes there are ugly sides of our identity, there are ugly sides of every one's identity, but we can't run from them, we have to do better to improve upon them. We can't continue to kill each other, to get locked up, to remain ignorant, to cut each other down when we make it. And in my opinion whether we think we owe anybody or not, until we are truly equal, it is our responsibility to help the next person and continue to support our community for the better.
So here's my beef. Recently Cornel West (an amazing mind) called out Barack Obama on many different points.
It's not that I expect everyone to be fully supportive of everything that every Black man or woman does, but I don't think we do each other any justice by calling out our authenticity. West said in an interview that "Obama is a white man in Black skin." What does that do for the young Black man who looks up to President Obama to hear him called out not only for his policies but for his authenticity within the Black community? White America doesn't risk being charged with being inauthentic, so why do we do it to ourselves. Why can't we value all the different layers and characteristics of the overall Black identity? Is it not okay to embrace all of who we are? Shouldn't we be proud of our Civil Rights Heritage AND our modern progress. Because it seems that while there are many external factors that hold us back, we are our own worst enemy.
I encourage you all to read "13 Ways of Looking at a Black Man," let me know if you see it as more of an analysis of who the Black male truly is, or is it that each of these men represent many men and not the different aspects of one man?
---that's all she wrote.
Friday, May 13, 2011
What is Black Enough?
When I was a kid I grew up in a predominately white suburban town; Athens, Ohio where the majority of the color came primarily from the college kids that frequented our little city. I didn’t think I was “different” from other Black people, because all I knew was my friends. I don’t even think color really mattered to me, until I moved out of my bubble and got some exposure. I mean, I am blessed everyday for the life that I was born into and the life that I lead, I take pride in the woman I have become and it is all I can do but want to scream when I hear of the stories of us, BLACK PEOPLE breaking each other down. But back to the basics, I didn’t think I was “different” until I moved (forced) to California. My friends, again primarily all white, would make comments like “ You don’t really sound Black,” or “ Keesha, let’s be real, I am Blacker than you.” What does that mean? What makes someone Blacker than someone else. And more importantly where the hell do y’all get that from? HELLO in this country BLACK, is BLACK, is BLACK, is BLACK. Your problems no matter where you are at are still OUR problems. So it frustrates me to think that we still played this fractured game of identity. We are, who we are. To all those who doubt me: MY BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!! I may not talk like the next Black person, and why would you expect me to? Individuals are individuals, no one person is identical. I don’t “act” like a Black person- or so I have been told.. What’s acting, this right here, IT IS CALLED LIVING!! Damnit, I live Black every day, when eyes are on me questioning my worth, that is BLACK! I do not play the race card because I have a faith in the world that we are better than that, but I am not naïve to think that I have it good. WE as a country, as a world and as one human race have a lot to learn, about ourselves, others and our own culture.
So you might be wondering where is this coming from. My issue is when Black people knit pick against other Black people. It in my opinion continues to show the ignorance of our people. We as a people, across the globe have suffered the most atrocious, disgusting things possible and the only people that get it are the same ones that are dishing shit against each other. Lesson 1: In the U.S there is in my opinion this fractionalization [Yeah I made that one up] between Black Americans and Black everyone else. If you come from Africa ( South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya etc) there is this stigma, or can be that you are better than the Black Americans in this country, because the image that is portrayed of us in some countries is not the best image (but it is an image that we still need to embrace because it IS us). So when some Africans arrive, they put themselves outside of the Black American population, only to realize that it doesn’t matter here, you are BLACK as I am BLACK and you have to deal with all that that entails. There is still however a superiority factor despite this awareness, Caribbean folk at the top, African, and then Black Americans (or at least how I have come to see it). Why do we put each other in a hierarchy when I guess to take from the Pan-African viewpoint, we are all one?
Lesson 2: We Black American dish so much crap onto each other, flexin how Black we are compared to another person. And this is the root of my blog today. I have been following Twitter and the news lately (ha that sounded funny, I mean I follow both sources quite frequently) to find this “battle” perpetuated by boxer Bernard Hopkins against Donovan McNabb. Hopkins a loyal Philly Eagles fan has apparently had beef with McNabb for years, calling him an athlete with no heart. I don’t think I mind Hopkins dissing McNabb’s athletic prowess. But I do have to say, McNabb is no longer with the Eagles, so Hopkins—Get over it.. Just saying. But my contention is that Hopkins goes on to say that McNabb isn’t Black enough! WTF!!! What does Black enough mean? This is in the shadow of a Jalen Rose controversy against Grant Hill years ago during the Fab Five fiasco, where Jalen questioned Grant Hill’s upbringing. We are who we are, we have our stories but we are just a different page of Black. It doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. We are still the same people, in the streets or in the office building we still have to overcome a lot of shit and it frustrates me to no end that we can’t seem to see that. And that a man like Bernard Hopkins, Jalen Rose in his own ignorance, and even Jesse Jackson among the other who criticize men like Donovan McNabb, Grant Hill and Barack Obama because of the ingenuity of their parents to WANT and EARN a better life for their kids. I think we (BLACK PEOPLE) should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this type of belief to persist against us. We already have to face the world and when we add the addition of facing each other, well dang, we are nowhere near overcoming our mistakes, that’s for sure. Instead we are buying into the self-hatred that we learned from years of other people’s ideas about us.
If you could take one thing away from what I am saying to you right now, if anything please, please, please teach our young to be proud of our BLACKNESS. Take pride in all the shades and beautiful displays that we show every day as we express ourselves and the beauty that is our shared heritage and culture. I was watching a show the other day on MTV- True Life, I think the topic was on “passing.” This young girl was mixed (Black and white) she didn’t know her father and she didn’t feel like she associated with the Black in her so she would go to school and tell people she was Costa Rican or something to that effect. We should be proud of where we come from and not to take away from that girl’s story, but I am proud of what my Blackness means, for me. I don’t think that there is one or will ever be one definition of Blackness because there is no one definition or man, woman, child, human etc. We are all a multitude of culture, of creativity and of love. We need to appreciate our differences because it makes us a more valued people. #PGS!
-That’s all she wrote :)
Addendum (12.13.2012):
Other figures not mentioned in this blog whose Blackness has been questioned by some of the communities most prominent voices- President Barack Obama by Cornel West
And recently, which sparked me reposting this blog through my media outlets: RGIII was called a #Cornball because his fiance is white, and he may or may not be a Republican- UM WHO CARES!
So you might be wondering where is this coming from. My issue is when Black people knit pick against other Black people. It in my opinion continues to show the ignorance of our people. We as a people, across the globe have suffered the most atrocious, disgusting things possible and the only people that get it are the same ones that are dishing shit against each other. Lesson 1: In the U.S there is in my opinion this fractionalization [Yeah I made that one up] between Black Americans and Black everyone else. If you come from Africa ( South Africa, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya etc) there is this stigma, or can be that you are better than the Black Americans in this country, because the image that is portrayed of us in some countries is not the best image (but it is an image that we still need to embrace because it IS us). So when some Africans arrive, they put themselves outside of the Black American population, only to realize that it doesn’t matter here, you are BLACK as I am BLACK and you have to deal with all that that entails. There is still however a superiority factor despite this awareness, Caribbean folk at the top, African, and then Black Americans (or at least how I have come to see it). Why do we put each other in a hierarchy when I guess to take from the Pan-African viewpoint, we are all one?
Lesson 2: We Black American dish so much crap onto each other, flexin how Black we are compared to another person. And this is the root of my blog today. I have been following Twitter and the news lately (ha that sounded funny, I mean I follow both sources quite frequently) to find this “battle” perpetuated by boxer Bernard Hopkins against Donovan McNabb. Hopkins a loyal Philly Eagles fan has apparently had beef with McNabb for years, calling him an athlete with no heart. I don’t think I mind Hopkins dissing McNabb’s athletic prowess. But I do have to say, McNabb is no longer with the Eagles, so Hopkins—Get over it.. Just saying. But my contention is that Hopkins goes on to say that McNabb isn’t Black enough! WTF!!! What does Black enough mean? This is in the shadow of a Jalen Rose controversy against Grant Hill years ago during the Fab Five fiasco, where Jalen questioned Grant Hill’s upbringing. We are who we are, we have our stories but we are just a different page of Black. It doesn’t mean that one is better than the other. We are still the same people, in the streets or in the office building we still have to overcome a lot of shit and it frustrates me to no end that we can’t seem to see that. And that a man like Bernard Hopkins, Jalen Rose in his own ignorance, and even Jesse Jackson among the other who criticize men like Donovan McNabb, Grant Hill and Barack Obama because of the ingenuity of their parents to WANT and EARN a better life for their kids. I think we (BLACK PEOPLE) should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this type of belief to persist against us. We already have to face the world and when we add the addition of facing each other, well dang, we are nowhere near overcoming our mistakes, that’s for sure. Instead we are buying into the self-hatred that we learned from years of other people’s ideas about us.
If you could take one thing away from what I am saying to you right now, if anything please, please, please teach our young to be proud of our BLACKNESS. Take pride in all the shades and beautiful displays that we show every day as we express ourselves and the beauty that is our shared heritage and culture. I was watching a show the other day on MTV- True Life, I think the topic was on “passing.” This young girl was mixed (Black and white) she didn’t know her father and she didn’t feel like she associated with the Black in her so she would go to school and tell people she was Costa Rican or something to that effect. We should be proud of where we come from and not to take away from that girl’s story, but I am proud of what my Blackness means, for me. I don’t think that there is one or will ever be one definition of Blackness because there is no one definition or man, woman, child, human etc. We are all a multitude of culture, of creativity and of love. We need to appreciate our differences because it makes us a more valued people. #PGS!
-That’s all she wrote :)
Addendum (12.13.2012):
Other figures not mentioned in this blog whose Blackness has been questioned by some of the communities most prominent voices- President Barack Obama by Cornel West
And recently, which sparked me reposting this blog through my media outlets: RGIII was called a #Cornball because his fiance is white, and he may or may not be a Republican- UM WHO CARES!
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