This weekend marks the 47th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's famed - " I have a dream" speech. Dr. King never got to see his vision realized, and although there are great strides to his dream, we, as a nation are far from realizing this dream ourselves.
It's weird to see that one of the country's most outspoken conservative political pundits is planning on having a rally titled "Reclaiming Honor" on the same grounds that Dr. King gave shared his "Dream" with the world. Glenn Beck, the said pundit, says "This is going to be a moment that you'll never be able to paint people as haters, racists, none of it.This is a moment, quite honestly, that I think we reclaim the civil rights movement.-" (From King to Beck: Big rally at Lincoln Memorial Yahoo News.com) Isn't it weird that someone who is promoting a drast immigration policy, that request and supports division amongst American citizens in certain aspects of religious and other beliefs is saying that " This is a moment, quite honestly, that I think we reclaim the civil rights movement?" Which movement Mr. Beck, the one where millions of this country were oppressed and on the outs from "mainstream" America? If this is the idea that you want to create, than I'm sorry to say I don't want it and I don't buy it.
Dr. King said (paraphrasing) that he wants his children to live in a world where they aren't judged, by the color of their skin, but only by the content of their character. We haven't full filled that dream because judgement is still happening when people are denied certain rights because of their sexual orientation, or that minorities still earn less than that of the "average" white American. That dream is not realized when we can't have a discussion on Health Care without the N word being thrown around by members of Beck's fanatical supporters. When there is a rise in Hate Groups after Obama's election- THERE IS A PROBLEM.
A person I know today wrote on her FB that : "No sh*t just met glen beck at the Lincoln memorial. This is gonna be a good weekend. Everyone standing by started singing god bless America. You wouldn't get that at an Obama rally."
Which in response to this and the other many FB posts, and tweets and news about Glenn Beck I write on my wall: Is staying the HECK out of dodge and away from Glenn Beck. This Saturday I will be "HONORING" and THANKING Dr. King for sharing his "DREAM" and making sure that I do my part to make his "DREAM" a reality.. #justsayingdoyourpart!
I didn't post this on her page, I just posted it on my own and left it at that. She responds to my post by saying " Well good thing you won't be out there with the counterprotestors."
My response "To be honest I have nothing against the counterprotestors- Free Speech and ability to contest something that they don't agree with right? Same thing he's doing.. I just have better things to do than entertain that mess... "
And finally her next two responses: a) such an AU response
b)Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so~ Ronald Reagan
Okay. I don't like to partake in such matters often, especially when I think there is no ground for growth on either side of the argument. But to the first response, a) This might be the sentiment that many AU students have, but this response is purely my own, and what do you mean to say " Good thing you won't be out there with the counterprotestors." What if I wanted to be out there with them, they have every right to protest the disgrace of a Historical and iconic figure like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. There is nothing that Glenn Beck is doing that in my opinion promotes the "Dream" Dr. King envisioned for this country 47 years ago. And isn't Glenn Beck's and the Tea Party movement in and of itself is a counterprotest! So what contradiction are you making when you make a comment like that?
and b) DO NOT get me started Ronald Reagan and "Ignorance." I will be a liberal, and that so much that isn't so, well let's think about this.. "The war on drugs" isn't over. And that "Just Say No" campaign didn't stop the problems that the urban environment have faced for the last now almost 30 years since he started that stupid policy. Oh and here is another thing topic in the "so much that isn't so" - YOU Mr. Reagan (may you rest in peace) PUT A DISGUSTING NEGATIVE STIGMA on BLACK WOMEN and BLACK COMMUNITIES, that we have struggled for years to get rid of, and have only continued to fall into and can't get away from.
But you know what this back and forth about who is right and who is wrong doesn't change the state of the world in which we live in. The problem is we have been so polarized in our views that there is no movement to have an honest and constructive dialogue about the issues. We have no middle ground in this country much anymore. It is a left and a right and not very much of any place to actually talk. The harder part is knowing that in an age where we were supposed to be coming closer together we are drifting more apart. I am pleading with the leaders of this nation, politicians, teachers, parents and any other mentors of today's youth- PLEASE TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO HAVE AN OPEN AND HONEST DIALOGUE ABOUT ISSUES THAT BOTHER THEM. ISSUES THAT THEY AREN'T SURE OF, ISSUES THAT THEY STILL NEED TO WORK THROUGH. THIS ISN'T JUST FOR US, IT IS FOR OUR COUNTRY!
So I asked the question in the title: "When will our time come?" When will we be in a space when we can be honest about our faults, while still moving forward to better ourselves and the communities we live in. There is a battle being fought and I think we are distracted from the one we really need to be paying attention to.